
Patrão Mor allows you to perform an online enrollment and to formalize your enrollment on the first visit to our school.

Please fill in the form below to perform your pre-signup.

Course Pre-Signup Form

Step 1 out of 3 | Personal Details

* Required fields
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory

Step 2 out of 3 | Course Signup Details

* Required fields
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
Would you like to pre-signup for any other additional courses?
NOTE: The start date(s) for the course(s) that you select below will vary based on the date that you will conclusion your main course signup.
These selections will automatically generate new pre-signup forms with the same data that you inserted previously but without a start date.
You will be contacted by Patrão Mor to choose a date for each of these selected additional pre-signups.
Do you have an existing valid Skipper/Nautical License?
When applicable
When applicable

Step 3 out of 3 | Photo and comments

* Required fields
Optional - Pictures only (Maximum size: 5MB)
Rotate your photo:    
Zoom and center the section of your photo.     Please use the controls to zoom and center the desired section of your photo. To center the photo, please click over the preview area, drag and drop to the desired section of your photo. This is only possible if the picture is bigger than the preview section above.

Review data

Data processing authorization:
* This field is mandatory
This field is mandatory
Receive our first hand news:

Patrão Mor has an electronic communications system (Newsletter) with the main purpose of sharing institutional and legal information, as well as promotional information regarding Patrão Mor's products and services.
By this way, you will be able to have exclusive access to special campaigns reserved to newsletter subscribers only, as well as receiving first-hand news among other countless benefits.
Would you like to receive our newsletter?
Final security validation:

* This field is mandatory. You must enter the code you see in the image below. Help us to avoiding fraudulent emails
This field is mandatory

Pre-signup Finished!

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